In a lot of ways, it feels like I just graduated with my masters in clarinet performance 2 weeks ago.
But, it’s been about 4 years. In that time, I’ve gotten married, adopted 2 dogs, started/grown/sold a business, and moved from NM->KS->WI.
I’m also now a software developer. This new website redesign is simply to reflect where I’m at now in my career.
It showcases the various skills I’ve picked up over the years. And I’ll probably use the blog to post important life updates.
If you’re a real estate agent reading this, I’m still highly involved with Easy Agent Pro. And if you don’t already, you should go grab a LeadSite. We have a ton of cool stuff planned for the product that’ll surely help your business.
If you’re into tech/js/code and live in the Milwaukee area, hit me up. I’d love to meet up.